Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tournament Wrap Up

So the result was.....

Best General!

Ben took overall with just a smidgen more points than me thanks to his painting scores which were slightly higher than mine.  Space Wolf Zach (or is it Zack?!) took best sport, and Taxi Cab Jason got best painted with his demons of khorne army.

Overall it was a wicked fun tournament and I'm very pleased with the showing the squats put in.  I believe the Grey Knights codex to be very strong, especially the acolyte list so it's not terribly surprising they did well, but it's still nice not to get thumped.  I certainly could have made the list much rougher with another slayer squad or a psybolt dreadnought but I think there was enough starch in the list as is.

I was a little disappointed to loose the tournament based on painting but Sam Cromwell's painting rubric was very fair and so were the scenarios.  So yes technically Ben's tiger stripes won him the tournament, but you can't just argue that one of the winning points was the one that cost me.  Immobilizing my chimera in the second game also lost me the tournament, or not killing Suitcase Dave's final marine.  Regardless I had three excellent games of warhammer 40k against three excellent opponents.  Kudos to Sam for running a good event and to all the players.  I didn't see or hear a single heated word the entire day. which isn't too shabby considered eighteen games of 40k were played.  The only thing I'd like to see is the painting rubric posted before hand so you know what will get you points.  Admittedly these monthly tournaments are pretty laid back affairs and it was Sam's first time running one so that's certainly not a real complaint.  Just an observation for aspiring TO's.

The Emberg League will be set aside for the bit as far as further growth as there will be a bit of a blitz to get some other projects done, but I plan on returning to them in January and building them up to 1850.  Add in some Chickenhawk gunships, maybe some counts as dreadknights, and if I can get a few more a squad of counts as paladin Exo-armor squats.

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