My first game of the tournament were against Clayton's new Flesh Tearers army. Hands down to Clayton for really stepping up his painting on this army. He had some really nice hand painted squad markings and insignia. Also up front in the picture he made some nice functional objective markers. Clayton is easily one of my favorite opponents, as we always have competitive games, and he doesn't get to upset when I make fun of anything blood angel shaped. He is a good sport.
Sam Cromwell, the TO, had designed some special missions for us to play the first of which in this game against Clayton was called "Point of the spear", basically there was one objective center of the board, and the player with the most VPs worth of models next to it and the end of the games the big winner. Clayton deployed first halfway across the table with his land raider redeemer with a ten man assault squad inside along with his HQ choice, a blood angels chaplain in terminator armor. I decided to roll onto the board on my turn one.
Living Ancestor Pardak Unworthe showed is tactical brilliance by seizing the initiative (with the help of Coteaz's reroll). This scenario used dawn of war, but I proudly announced that I'd purchased search lights for my chimera's and promptly spotted the land raider redeemer. My ingenious engineers had gifted my melta gun squads with 12'' of extra range so I plunked a few shots at land raider for no effect. Clayton's turn on saw his other tactical squad in rhino roll onto the board along with his double plasma cannon devastator squad who hoofed it on. Evidently Clayton has read the rulebook and explained that he auto spotted my chimeras as they'd used search lights; suddenly I felt less proud about my search lights. The assault cannons stripped the turret of on of my chimeras and the machine spirit multi-melta wrecked another one; the squad inside decided to be pinned. In my turn two I drove up with the chimera with the wrecked turret and slightly behind it, another chimera with Pardak and the Slayers who dismounted ready for a counter assualt. I was still out of double dice melta range and the few engineer lascannon shots failed to do anything meaningful to the land raider. On his turn two Clayton drove his land raider into the teeth of my army and dismounted. His land raider attempted to kill the chimera in front of it but failed to do so.
The squad's two melta guns however got the job down and destroyed the chimera in an impressively large explosion that killed three of the space dwarfs within. The ten man assault squad and chaplain lord then charged the survivor and predictably murder the squats entirely. I wasn't too displeased however as Clayton had fallen into my deadly trap! Well fallen into is the wrong word since as Clayton was committing I believe he said something like, "Well this is a bad idea". So he more jumped into my deadly trap.
The squad who chimera had been wrecked moved up to shoot the land raider, the still mounted plasma gun squad wheeled over and dismounted to put fire into the dismounted flesh tearers and Pardak and slayers moved up to guarantee a successful assault move. The engineers unleashed heavy flamers from their fabricator arrays while their squad mates sprayed and prayed with plasma guns and rotary boltguns; killing five of the 11 marines and putting a wound on the chaplain. The melta squad succeeded in blowing up the land raider despite only one of the three meltas hitting it. Living Ancestor Unworthe rolled an 11 for both hammerhand and activating his force weapon. Despite my pyschic failure the slayers killed the remaining marines for a loss of only one of their number to the chaplain. In clayton's next turn Unworthe would fail again on hammerhand but the slayers killed the chaplain regardless.
My army mostly intact moved on to tank shock the devastators off the objective, take a bit of fire from the other tactical squad before mowing them down as well. At the end of the game I had everything but one the one dead squad and two dead chimeras parked on the objective; I scored 15 battle points to Clayton's 3.
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