Monday, December 12, 2011

3rd tournament game

Suitcase Dave's odd odd Black Templars Army.  He had a five man terminator squad with two cyclones and the squad had tank hunters.  One of the landspeeders was a typhoon and the other one I think had a multimelta.  His dread, which was venerable, had twin linked lascannons and a missile launcher.  His two crusader squads between the two of them had a lascannon, plasma cannon, melta gun, and a plasma gun.  This mission was basically annihilation but instead of getting just one kill point per unit you received a number of kill points based on the total points value of the unit.  Realizing his long range firepower outweighed my qualitatively I decided to rush his lines  He'd split his infantry into two groups, and I figured if I could down the landspeeders I could just ignore the weaker group and try and burst down the other.  Of course I failed every single smoke save and Suitcase managed to blow up my most import chimera (the one carring the Slayers and Pardak).  All my brother hood squads managed to roll up either power armor, a 5+  invulnerable save, or both.  I'm usually pretty good at wound allocation but there was a shooting phase which saw me deal something like 13 heavy flamer wounds, 3 melta,  and 6 stormbolter wounds to one of the big complicated crusader squads with the scouts in it. Allocating the monster out took about twenty minutes and by the end of it I have to say I just took Suitcase Dave's word for it.
The emperor's champion's ability to move where ever he wants after assault moves have been made saw Pardak dead for the first time, and his complete lack of an invulnerable save or space marine toughness really explained his marginal point cost.  He is a great model, so long as no one swings at him.

In the end it was a major victory for me; all Suitcase Dave had left was his venerable and a marine from the smaller crusader squad.  I had two of my botherhood squads left, and three out of the four chimeras.

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